Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Because I NEEDED more stress

For a short recap:
1. China has changed by arrival dates no less than 3 times.
2. The changing of my arrival dates came AFTER I purchased plane tickets and therefore required the payment of additional fees totaling $400.
3. China has made it clear that they will not pay any airfare fees more than $1300 and my ticket there, with fees has already cost me $1200. This leaves me paying my own way home.
4. China hasn't really told me what I will be teaching or what exactly I will be doing for the week I was volunteered to do traning at the middle school.
5. After I was told I was approved for my 2 week tripto Egypt, they are saying that they were never told about it and are unsure about me missing that much work.

The latest update is that despite the fact that I returned my signed contract to them on July 9th, they will be unable to send me my working permit or the letter I need to get my Visa until August 2nd. With international air transport considerations, the earliest I will be receiving it is August 10th. Please note: I will be moving from NYC on August 9th.

China's solution? They are "strongly" requesting that I not leave New York until after the 15th of August. They also made some comment about the Consulate in LA. While LA is on the west coast, where I told them I was going, LA is really far from Seattle and Medford both and I would have to pay to get myself there. The time to get my passport will most likely be 5 business days.

My other option is getting this stuff in Hong Kong. Considering I am flying to China the DAY they asked me to be there, I am not sure when I would have time to do this. I am almost positive I would have to have my Visa first. While a trip to Hong Kong would be nice, when would I have the time before the start of school?

Questions I have for China but have refrained from asking:
1. If you were putting together my contract in May, why couldn't the paperwork for my permit and Visa be done then?
2. Why don't you act like my time or money are important to you?
3. Why do you hate me and want to make my life miserable?
4. Why have you asked me for the NY Consulate's information no less than 3 times when I have already given it to you no less than 3 times AND its openly available on the internet. Please note: this is the consulate for YOUR country, this information should be readily available to you. Also note, your multiple requests tell me you have dropped the ball on making the contacts you needed to do to finish this process.
5. Why do you continue to suck so hard? This is no way to make me want to be there, working for pennies a day, to teach you ANYTHING about American culture. Note to self: make first American Culture lesson on how to conduct business with Americans in an appropriate fashion.

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