Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A Year Of Giving

I just finished reading "29 Gifts: How a month of giving can change your life" by Cami Walker and have decided to start my own giving campaign. I would like to think that I am already a giving person and that I think of others when I do things but I would like to give with more intention and more purpose. Part of the campaign is to keep a daily journal about how your gifts came to be and how you felt after giving without any expectation of getting something in return. I have learned over the past few years that I honestly cannot manage to do anything daily (drink x amount of water, take my vitamins, eat healthy snacks, etc.) and journaling will be a challenge. In the book, Cami also talked about the challenge of giving in the moment and not trying to plan ahead of time what all your gifts would be and who they would go to. I have found myself doing that quite a few times as I have made the decision to start this adventure. The good news is there is a strong online community of others also doing this challenge and they openly share challenges, triumphs, and ideas. Perhaps in my usual style of taking on a bit too much, I have decided to start my challenge on the 29th and do it for a year. I am hoping in that time I will be able to encourage others to do something similar or to take the challenge themselves. I'd love to hear from you if you're interested!

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