Wednesday, January 9, 2008

CD139: Winter Holiday

The holidays here in China - namely Christmas and New Years, were craptastic this year. There are varied reasons that I won't get into because there is no reason to. Ben's parents were in town for Christmas however and treated us all to a Western-style Christmas dinner at their hotel. I might make my new tradition steak instead of turkey for Christmas. It has been just about a month since I got back from Cairo. The days that followed my return to Pingxiang were dark and ugly, partly to my doing. I am hoping that 2008 will be off to a better start.

After 2 3-day work weeks in a row, we had finals last week and are now off on holiday until the end of February. The good news is that we get paid for all this glorious holiday time. The Americans are off to holiday together for some of the trip, Clyde is still making up his mind, and Chioko is just traveling around Jiangxi Province on her own. I have to be thankful that there are other Americans here I can talk to. I can't imagine how miserable she is here alone, away from her husband, and unable to communicate with people.

Tim's parents have a time-share on Hainan Island in the very southern tip of China so that is where we are about an hour. Its in a resort and the boys and girls get their own rooms for about 10 yuan a night (less than $2) so it should be doable. We do have to take 2 over-night trains to get there for a total travel time of over 19 hours, but I am sure it will be worth it. Too bad we don't have beds for tonight's journey and are again stuck in seats. After Hainan we are heading north and bit and to the coast to Xiamen where Andreana will be flying off to Thailand. Less than a week later Tim will be leaving for Singapore and a lengthy cruise around Chinese and island ports. Ben and I will be on our own for about 3 weeks traveling (most likely) to Shanghai and the surrounding area. The only thing that is planned for sure is Andreana meeting me in Shanghai by the 12th of February so we can fly to Tibet for a 11 day tour. Good times.

I am hoping the travel will clear my mind and lighten my spirit a bit. I am tired of my little grey rain cloud that's been following me around.

There will be much to tell when I get back but for now, there are new pictures up under December, January, Egypt, and Doha on my picasa. I hope that all of you had a good holiday and your 2008's are starting off spectacularly.

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