Monday, June 4, 2007

CHINA: What I know now

The VERY last day in May I finally heard back from my China program coordinators as to my placement for this coming school year. They were really meaning the end of May when they told me to wait back in April. So, for all of those people out there who have been waiting on the edge of their collective seats, here is the skinny.

I will be living in Pingxiang City in the Jiang-xi Provience. The Provience is roughly located here:


I will be working at Pingxiang College teaching oral and spoken English (or other such related classes) to major and non-English major students. Apparently the campus covers some 50 hectares of land and is surrounded by "green hills". Their student enrollment for last year was more than 7,000. They have a "Department of Gym" that I am curious to learn more about. Here are some pics of the school I stole off their website.


The placement coordinator wanted me to know that "teaching at a university in China is kind of a honor and only those who got the degree can do that job". He also informed me that the $523 (US equivalent) I will be paid each month in cash (???) is twice what my Chinese colleagues will be making so I should be able to "live a very comfortable life in this city".

I will be living in a "well-furnished apartment with modern utilities, including a Western style toilet". Nothing is said as to where exactly this apartment will be, but I am guessing on campus.

As for the city itself, it is located

The city boasts a population of 1.8 million people and is "China's Capitol of Porcelain". It has many mountains, lakes, and rivers that are all must-see attractions in addition to "cultural and religious wonders".

At any rate, I am waiting to hear back from my program coordinator as to whether or not I have training, whether or not my training is in Beijing (as that is the contact hotel listed), and whether I start August 26th or September 1st.

Until then, I have to do this massively extensive medical examination for my school to send me a letter so I can apply for my Visa. I think a chest x-ray, full blood work and an ECG is a bit excessive, but when was the last time I was working in a communist country?

When I know more, you will....

PS: The school did approve my 2 week trip to Egypt so that is awesome! I put in my application and deposit just yesterday!

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